Hasta 2006, el aborto inducido legalmente estaba completamente prohibido en Colombia. Pocas instalaciones están equipadas o dispuestas a ofrecer servicios de aborto
A multidisciplinary team as an intervention to improve maternal and perinatal outcomes in placenta accreta spectrum (PAS)
octubre 2018
Placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) is associated with maternal morbidity & mortality and with Cesarean Section as a risk factor which continues to increase globally
Estudio “COMSE” Maternidad segura como resultado del uso de métodos de anticoncepción de alta adherencia y efectividad en el posparto inmediato
mayo 2018
El uso de métodos Anticonceptivos Reversibles de Acción Prolongada (ARAP), favorece la realización de un proyecto de vida y la planeación de embarazos futuros
Video compared to conversational contraceptive counseling during labor and maternity hospitalization in Colombia: A randomized trial
mayo 2018
Assess if video-based contraceptive education could be an efficient adjunct to contraceptive counseling and attain the same contraceptive knowledge acquisition as conversation-based counseling
An implementation strategy to increase uptake of immediate postpartum contraception: the COMSE trial
octubre 2017
To compare the proportion of postpartum women who initiated long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) during hospitalization for childbirth between those offered counseling and provision versus standard care
Estudio COMSE: Uso de consejería en anticoncepción en el hospital durante la atención del parto y acceso a métodos de anticoncepción reversibles de acción prolongada antes del alta hospitalaria: una estrategia novedosa y efectiva especialmente en mujeres adolescentes en Colombia
octubre 2017
Determinar si el uso de una estrategia novedosa que combina el uso de consejería en anticoncepción durante la atención del parto y acceso a métodos de anticoncepción reversibles de acción prolongada (ARAP) antes del alta hospitalaria, incrementa el uso de los métodos ARAP en adolescentes
Operative Vaginal Delivery
enero 2017
The total rate of cesarean delivery (CD) in the United States has steadily increased peaking in 2009 to 32.9%; it slightly decreased to 32.2% in 2014, while the rate of assisted delivery or operative vaginal delivery (OVD) with use of forceps or vacuum has steadily decreased from 9.0% in 1990 to 3.2% in 2014
Medical abortion and manual vacuum aspiration for legal abortion protect women’s health and reduce costs to the health system: Findings from Colombia
febrero 2015
The majority of abortions in Colombia continue to take place outside the formal health system under a range of conditions, with the majority of women obtaining misoprostol from a thriving black market for the drug and self-administering the medication
Post-abortion and induced abortion services in two public hospitals in Colombia
julio 2014
Until 2006, legal induced abortion was completely banned in Colombia. Few facilities are equipped or willing to offer abortion services; often adolescents experience even greater barriers of access in this context
The effect of guideline variations on the implementation of active management of the third stage of labor
febrero 2013
To determine whether healthcare providers performed active management of the third stage of labor (AMTSL) as defined by FIGO/ICM and WHO, and as described by the Cochrane Collaboration. Methods: In a pro- spective observational study, a questionnaire regarding knowledge of AMTSL was administered to healthcare providers in the largest maternity teaching center in Colombia
Entrenamiento, actitudes y prácticas de los proveedores de control prenatal en consejería de cese del tabaquismo y la prevención de la exposición pasiva al humo del tabaco en embarazadas en Medellín, Colombia
julio 2012
Tabaquismo durante el embarazo:
Una variedad de resultados
adversos para la salud del feto
Smoking during pregnancy: a preventable Silent epidemic in Colombia
febrero 2011
The World Health Organziation (WHO) considers tobacco to be one of the main causes of preventable chronic disease and death around the world
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Bogotá, Colombia